Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Jeter, W, and the Mick

This is undoubtedly old news to some of you, but I just stumbled across this and had to share...
I've been out of the baseball card scene for awhile now, so I was shocked to find out that Topps included a certain card in random packs of their 2007 baseball card set. The card pictures Derek Jeter swinging at a pitch, with the U.S. President George W. Bush prominently pictured in the stands, and late Yankee great Mickey Mantle looking on from the dugout.

The card was said to have been selling on EBAY for up to $800, but I believe after the initial sensation, the prices have dropped considerably.

Now I hear that Topps is including a card in its 2008 release of former New York City mayor (and Yankee fan) Rudy Giuliani apparently rooting for the hated Red Sox. If I was still an avid baseball card collector, I don't think I would like these kinds of cards that much. It seems to me that they should keep these kinds of things out of the hobby for it to maintain integrity.

It is kind of funny, though.

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