About ten years ago, I ran a fantasy football league. In addition to being the commissioner, I also took on the task of designing helmets for each team in the league. I gathered information from each owner, such as color scheme, logo and general helmet design, and used this information to create some custom fantasy football helmets.
The helmets were designed in Photoshop, using a blank helmet template, which you see here. I selected the part of the helmet where I wanted the artwork to appear, and pasted the design into this portion of the helmet. Then, I would color in the additional lines and facemask, and add a spotlight effect for the finished product.
The final results were sometimes professional-looking, sometimes hilarious, but always well-suited to the teams and owners in our league. Below, I'll show some of the customized fantasy football helmets that I came up with.
The Bald Prophets Union chose a simple text logo for their helmet design. The Carnivores went with the obvious T-Rex mascot. The Black Gate Balrogs chose the Eye of Sauron for their logo, forgoing the customary center strip, a la Penn State.
The next set of helmets feature the Cartel, who selected a violence theme for their headgear. I never quite understood the Nine Inch Nails Logo, but to each his own.
The Dallas Death employed a simple, yet powerful look with a Raider-like color scheme. The Jeffersons had arguably the most laughable helmet in the league. This one was later replaced with a simple logo design.
The Kona Gold promoted the growing of certain plants on their helmet, which employed a striking green and yellow design. Continuing the illicit leaf theme, the Marley helmet was an instant classic, reminding some of a mural placed on the side of a Chevy van. The Monkey Team was run by no owner. It consisted of players from the free agent pool that no one picked up during the week.
The Nightmare helmet turned out well, but the color scheme conflicted with the Cartel (see above), so it was ultimately rejected. The Portland Porters used the color scheme of nearby Oregon State, and combined this with a frothy mug from the local brewery. The Reservoir Dogs were real dogs, and chose crimebuster McGruff as their mascot.
Feel free to copy these helmets for your own use. Good luck this year in your own fantasy football league...